A cemetery not far from my house. It looks secluded, but it's actually on a very busy street in a not-so-good area. The tree, shifting the headstones, seems very persistent in continuing to grow.

My uncle's dog Nicki. Not quite true to her breed, she's one of the sweetest dogs I've met.

Many years ago, my parents took very special care of their garden. It was a fairy garden. Although it hasn't been tended in so long, I see that some of it's inhabitants haven't quite quit on them yet.

This is the old oak tree that takes it's residence on the cottage grounds. It's massive size towers over our humble summer dwelling. My great uncle hung a swing from it years ago that has provided summer fun for 3 generations.

Lake Wandawega. The lake on which our cottage community resides. Once crystal clear and beautiful, now overrun with seaweed and leeches. If only they would put a little money into it and restore it back to the way it was when I was little. Maybe when I'm rich...
brittany -
just so you know, i think ALL of those photographs are amazing. however, i would really love a print of the fairy. i just think it is the most beautiful sight and i really want to frame it and put it on one of my walls somewhere. i could seriously stare at it for hours.
you're so talented! :)
Thanks Jen!! When I get access to a lab again, I'll make you a print!
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