Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I took the child to the stream
Our toes sunk into the nearby silt
She asked me why we are meant to dream
I told her, To escape our memory and our guilt
To the stream's outspoken voice, we did not implore
But to the fighting cricket's song we did
She asked me why we had such war
I told her, We can never lift man's meloncholy eyelid
We saw the stream reflecting the sunset's hue
Leaning over, we could see the return image of us both
She asked me why once her eyes were blue
I told her, she reflected a world of beauty and growth
Time went on and the light began to dissapear
The child looked to the distance and started to cry
She asked me, Will I see you again? Her eyes full of fear
I told her, Of course you will, I will never truly die

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